Before and After: 10 Questions to Ask Your Customer

Molly Neises, MAS, Sales

Whether you are getting ready to tackle a new project for your customer or starting the re-order process for an ongoing order, it’s important to walk through key details to ensure everyone is on the same page.  By simply asking a quick series of questions prior to your customer placing an order, you can rest assured that they will receive the outcome they are looking for.  It’s also important that you follow-up with your customer after the order has been received to check in regarding their satisfaction level.  This allows for an open line of communication and the highest level of satisfaction during the entire order process.

After over 35 years of working hand-in-hand with our distributors, our award-winning customer service has found that certain easy questions are integral when discussing just about any project.  Keep reading for helpful hints for your upcoming projects:



#1:  What type of program is it? 

            For your customers? Employees? Both?

#2:  What is the approximate quantity and budget?

            Is the budget per gift or overall?  Are multiple price levels required?

            Are freight charges a factor?

#3:  When is the required in-hands date?

            Is the in-hands date firm?  Would they want the product sooner, if available?

#4:  What does distribution look like?

            Are the gifts shipping all to one location?  Or direct to each recipient?

#5:  What size gift is needed?

            Are the gifts for an individual? Or to be shared among a group?

            If they are being shared, approximately how many people in each group?

#6:  Are there any special requests?

            Are they looking for specific colors, foods, themes, etc.?

            Are there any special needs, such as kosher requirements, foreign shipping, etc.?

#7:  What did last year’s order look like?

            What type of gifts were ordered?  Where there any problems or concerns?

            What did they like? Dislike?

            How can you help them overcome any pain-points from a previous order?



#8:  What was their overall impression of how the project ran?

            Did everything run smoothly and successfully?  If not, ask for details!

#9:  Were the gifts delivered successfully to their recipients? 

            If not, ask for details.

#10: Is there anything they would change when approaching this project in the future?

            Was there any frustrating moment that could be avoided next time?



Here are few additional tips when approaching any new or recurring project with your customers:

  • Ask questions that open communication and start a free-flowing conversation.  Avoid “yes” or “no” questions, or questions that limit your customer’s responses to one word answers.
  • Ask “what” not “why” to prompt details!
  • Ask about parts… not just the whole.
  • Be specific in your questions, and steer the conversation so that your customer is specific in their answers.  Again, the more details the better the service will be!
  • Encourage ongoing feedback before, during and after the sale is complete.

Never be afraid to ask your customer questions.  Questions lead to answers, and a more satisfying experience for both you, your customer, and their gift recipients!

Are there any questions not listed that you make a point of discussing with your customers?  If so, let us know!


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