Are you listening? On social media, that is!

One of the simplest and best uses of social media for business is to listen.  There are many listening tools out there for free, or upgrades for the power listener. We like Social Mention and Kurrently, which are search engines designed specifically for various social media sites, including Twitter, Facebook, and blogs. LinkedIn listens for you by providing profile updates for your various contacts. But what are you supposed to listen for?

Find references to your company, your product or yourself. You will want to be a part of these conversations!

Track any mentions of your customers. It might be a Facebook post about a company party--it may be too late this year, but mark your calendar for next year to talk to them about employee gifts. If they post pictures, it might provide insights to their corporate culture to help you target your presentation.

If one of your clients posts about an upcoming office meeting, you might want to get some samples in their hands prior to the event. We read on Facebook that one of our customers was having a barbeque for their sales force, so we sent them some food gifts for the event. It created goodwill and introduced our line to their entire sales force and support staff.

If your client posts about a new building, addition, or move, consider what products you have that might help them promote this change.

Is your customer launching a new product? Maybe you have the perfect promotional item for them!

You may learn your contact at a company is leaving for a new position via a LinkedIn profile update. Find out where they are going (potential new customer) and who is taking their place (ask for an introduction and recommendation on LinkedIn to help forge a new relationship).

What is your competition saying? What can you learn about them?

What’s going on in your community? People often post about big events with opportunities for promotions associated with these events.

Companies often post information about anniversaries, new employees, reorganizations, etc.  All are learning opportunities about their corporate culture to forge stronger client relationships and a deeper understanding of their needs.

Put Social Media to work for you by Listening!


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