The Business of Being Green


This week marks the 46th anniversary of the celebration of Earth Day.


  • Reduce…We design our gifts to be as earth-friendly as possible. On average, less than 3% of any gift needs tobe sent to alandfill.
  • Reuse…The majority of our gifts include keepsakes such as reusable boxes, cutting boards or desk accessories that will be


    Our wood products are made from sustainable timber or bamboo.

  • Recycle… We strive to use recyclable packaging wherever possible. In addition, we recycle over 50 tons of paper and corrugated annually!
  • Sustainable… No rainforests have been damaged to create our gifts. All of our wood products are made from sustainable timber or bamboo.
  • Saving the Rainforests... All of our wood products are made from sustainable timber or environmentally favorable bamboo. Our chocolates can help save the rainforests! Cocoa, the principal ingredient of chocolate, needs the shaded canopy of the rainforest to grow. The chocolate used in our gifts is Rainforest Alliance certified, which ensures that the farms have met the environmental, social, and economic standards of the Sustainable Agriculture Network. The more chocolate we consume, the greater the need to preserve the rainforest.


That’s why we like to say...

Save the rainforests, eat more chocolate!”



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